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Review Article 
Visualizing user demands through storyboarding in the mHealth app development for pregnant women: a conceptual framework
Xinxin Yu, Saiful Hasley Ramli, Habibah Abdul Hamid, Noris Mohd Norowi, Siti Suhaily Surip, Ziming Li, Donggui You, Ganfeng Yu, Qingqing Chu
Review Article 
A narrative review of digital health literacy within cystic fibrosis telehealth: are we considering it?
Tamara Vagg, Sarah Twohig, Kevin F. Deasy, Hisham I. S. Ibrahim, Barry J. Plant
Review Article 
Tele-exercise in individuals with spinal cord injury: a systematic review
Rodrigo Rodrigues Gomes Costa, Beatriz Lucena Ramos, Frederico Ribeiro Neto, Ciro Winckler
Brief Report 
Variation in subsequent viral load testing and outcomes by visit type patterns in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic at a large academic medical center in North Carolina
Valerie Yelverton, Jan Ostermann, Michael E. Yarrington, Yuliya V. Lokhnygina, Andrew K. Weinhold, Nathan M. Thielman
Original Article 
Adherence and self-efficacy of pregnant women to perform pelvic floor muscle training through a health education application: a feasibility study
Carolina Angélico, Ana Jéssica dos Santos Sousa, Jéssica Gabriela de Godoi Fernandes, Ingrid da Costa Vilela, Vanessa Santos Pereira Baldon, Patricia Driusso
Original Article 
Evaluating the usability of Diactive-1: mHealth for personalized exercise and education in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes
Ignacio Hormazábal-Aguayo, Jacinto Muñoz-Pardeza, Nidia Huerta-Uribe, Yasmin Ezzatvar, Antonio García-Hermoso
Original Article 
Refining a digital phenotyping app for measurement of suicidal behavior among minoritized youth and caregivers in a community health system
Nicholas J. Carson, Dharma E. Cortés, Peyton Williams, Varshini Odayar, Lecsy Gonzalez, Eric Schlossberg, Lily Xie, Katie E. Holmes, Michelle D. Holmes, David R. Williams, Todd G. Reid
Original Article 
Factors driving the use of mobile health app: insights from a survey
Nur Farahin Mohd Johari, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Mohamad Hidir Mhd Salim, Nor Aniza Abdullah
Case Report 
Transitioning to digital transactional data capture in primary health care facilities: a case report from Ghana’s Savannah Region
Evans Abotsi, Godwin Afenyadu, Gertrude Yentumi, Josephat A. Nyuzaghl, Alberta Biritwum-Nyarko, Anthony Adofo Ofosu, Moses Tivura, Aimee Ogunro, Lisa Kowalski, Lauren Eller, Erin Sullivan
Review Article 
Implementation of a computer-assisted cognitive-behavioral therapy program for adults with depression and anxiety in an outpatient specialty mental health clinic
Dana Steidtmann, Samantha McBride, Cary Pew, Shaelyn Solenske, Allison Dempsey, Jay Shore, Matthew Mishkind
Review Article 
From diabetes care to prevention: review of prediabetes apps in the DACH region
David Lim, Luca Meier, Katharina Mahadeva Cadwell, Christine Jacob
Original Article 
Association between mobile phone, self-efficacy and dependency among elderly people: a community-based study
Qi-Qian Yao, Yin Chen, Xi-Wen Ding, Ayizuhere Aierken, Dong-Bin Hu, Ying Li
Original Article 
Feasibility and design of a novel smartphone app to deliver blood pressure-lowering high-resistance inspiratory muscle strength training
Kayla J. Nuss, Elizabeth D. Jones, Amanda N. Brice, CeAnn C. Udovich, Steven E. Fullmer, Kaitlin A. Freeberg, Narissa P. McCarty, Douglas R. Seals, Daniel H. Craighead
Original Article 
Performance of a medical smartband with photoplethysmography technology and artificial intelligence algorithm to detect atrial fibrillation
Sebastiaan Blok, Willem Gielen, Martijn A. Piek, Wiert F. Hoeksema, Igor Tulevski, G. Aernout Somsen, Michiel M. Winter
Currently no content available!
Digital health is a cultural transformation of traditional healthcare
Bertalan Meskó, Zsófia Drobni, Éva Bényei, Bence Gergely, Zsuzsanna Győrffy
Published online: 14 September 2017
Review Article 
Associations between social media and cyberbullying: a review of the literature
Renee Garett, Lynwood R. Lord, Sean D. Young
Published online: 19 December 2016
Review Article 
How mHealth will spur consumer-led healthcare
John R. Patrick
Published online: 22 July 2015
Review Article 
Telehealth for rural diverse populations: telebehavioral and cultural competencies, clinical outcomes and administrative approaches
Donald M. Hilty, Melanie T. Gentry, Alastair J. McKean, Kirsten E. Cowan, Russell F. Lim, Francis G. Lu
Published online: 05 April 2020
Original Article 
A recommended guideline for the development of mHealth Apps
Ioannis A. Chatzipavlou, Sofia A. Christoforidou, Maro Vlachopoulou
Published online: 18 May 2016
Review Article 
Advances in mobile mental health: opportunities and implications for the spectrum of e-mental health services
Donald M. Hilty, Steven Chan, Tiffany Hwang, Alice Wong, Amy M. Bauer
Published online: 21 August 2017
Case Report: Apps for Highlights 
Daylio: mood-quantification for a less stressful you
Beenish M. Chaudhry
Published online: 31 August 2016
Meet the Professor 
Mr. Shapiro: challenges and opportunities for digital health start-ups
Stephen M. Shapiro
Published online: 24 February 2016
Original Article 
mHealth self-care interventions: managing symptoms following breast cancer treatment
Mei R. Fu, Deborah Axelrod, Amber A. Guth, Kavita Rampertaap, Nardin El-Shammaa, Karen Hiotis, Joan Scagliola, Gary Yu, Yao Wang
Published online: 22 July 2016
Review Article 
Non-invasive blood glucose monitoring technology in diabetes management: review
Jeban Chandir Moses, Sasan Adibi, Nilmini Wickramasinghe, Lemai Nguyen, Maia Angelova, Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam
Published online: 19 December 2023
Case Report 
Harnessing the power of conversations with virtual humans to change health behaviors
Glenn Albright, Cyrille Adam, Deborah Serri, Seth Bleeker, Ron Goldman
Published online: 28 November 2016
Review Article 
The conceptualization of a Just-In-Time Adaptive Intervention (JITAI) for the reduction of sedentary behavior in older adults
Andre Matthias Müller, Ann Blandford, Lucy Yardley
Published online: 12 September 2017
Review Article 
The role of telemedicine in postoperative care
Aaron M. Williams, Umar F. Bhatti, Hasan B. Alam, Vahagn C. Nikolian
Published online: 02 May 2018
Original Article 
Machine learning for detection of lymphedema among breast cancer survivors
Mei R. Fu, Yao Wang, Chenge Li, Zeyuan Qiu, Deborah Axelrod, Amber A. Guth, Joan Scagliola, Yvette Conley, Bradley E. Aouizerat, Jeanna M. Qiu, Gary Yu, Janet H. Van Cleave, Judith Haber, Ying Kuen Cheung
Published online: 29 May 2018
Review Article 
Connected health: a review of the literature
Karen Colorafi
Published online: 14 April 2016
Review Article 
Text-mining analysis of mHealth research
Bunyamin Ozaydin, Ferhat Zengul, Nurettin Oner, Dursun Delen
Published online: 27 December 2017
Original Article
Machine learning for detection of lymphedema among breast cancer survivors
Mei R. Fu, Yao Wang, Chenge Li, Zeyuan Qiu, Deborah Axelrod, Amber A. Guth, Joan Scagliola, Yvette Conley, Bradley E. Aouizerat, Jeanna M. Qiu, Gary Yu, Janet H. Van Cleave, Judith Haber, Ying Kuen Cheung
Original Article
Characteristics of mobile phone access and usage in rural and urban Guatemala: assessing feasibility of text message reminders to increase childhood immunizations
Gretchen J. Domek, Ingrid L. Contreras-Roldan, Edwin J. Asturias, Michael Bronsert, Guillermo Antonio Bolaños Ventura, Sean T. O’Leary, Allison Kempe, Sheana Bull
Original Article
mHealth to promote pregnancy and interconception health among African-American women at risk for adverse birth outcomes: a pilot study
Jennifer Foster, Lindsey Miller, Sheila Isbell, Tekesia Shields, Natasha Worthy, Anne Lang Dunlop
Original Article
Stroke patients and their attitudes toward mHealth monitoring to support blood pressure control and medication adherence
Carolyn Jenkins, Nina-Sarena Burkett, Bruce Ovbiagele, Martina Mueller, Sachin Patel, Brenda Brunner-Jackson, Raelle Saulson, Frank Treiber
Original Article
mHealth self-care interventions: managing symptoms following breast cancer treatment
Mei R. Fu, Deborah Axelrod, Amber A. Guth, Kavita Rampertaap, Nardin El-Shammaa, Karen Hiotis, Joan Scagliola, Gary Yu, Yao Wang
Original Article
Monitoring intervention fidelity of a lifestyle behavioral intervention delivered through telehealth
Ashley Sineath, Lauren Lambert, Catherine Verga, Miranda Wagstaff, Brooks C. Wingo
Original Article
Formative evaluation on cultural tailoring breathing awareness meditation smartphone apps to reduce stress and blood pressure
John C. Sieverdes, Zachary W. Adams, Lynne Nemeth, Brenda Brunner-Jackson, Martina Mueller, Ashley Anderson, Sachin Patel, Luke Sox, Frank A. Treiber
Review Article on Cardiopulmonary Interactions
Heart-Lung interaction in spontaneous breathing subjects: the basics
Sheldon Magder