%0 Journal Article %T Integration of advances in social media and mHealth technology are pivotal to successful cancer prevention and control %A O’Leary, D. Peter %A Zaheer, Amir %A Redmond, H. Paul %A Corrigan, Mark A. %J mHealth %D 2016 %B 2016 %9 %! Integration of advances in social media and mHealth technology are pivotal to successful cancer prevention and control %K %X The successful prevention and treatment of cancer is dependent upon efficient and reliable communication between healthcare workers and patients. Advances in social media and mHealth platforms have provided new ways in which to enhance the sharing of cancer related information. Other benefits of embracing this technology include utilising its analytic capabilities which can process the vast quantity of information generated from genome exploration in a highly efficient manner. The aim of this review is to provide an overview of the rapidly evolving areas through which digital engagement is proving useful in the prevention and control of cancer. %U https://mhealth.amegroups.org/article/view/11999 %V 2 %P %@ 2306-9740